Saturday, November 10, 2012

New and Fast? Old and Slow!

So as many of my friends and family know I am an avid gamer. I play everything from FPS to RTS to MMO to FLASH and what ever might be in between. I prefer PC to console for many reasons that I will get into at a later date. Recently most of my games have seemed bland and stale, even though they are fast paced and active the in someway have bored me. I have on many occasions missed playing World of Warcraft, I hate that game with a passion at this point but I missed the interaction with others.

This has lead me to try many other games to try and fill in that hole left in my gaming. I have tried Star wars  Rift, GuildWars2 and several others of which none seemed to satisfy me. It has taken me awhile to figure out what it is about MMO's I enjoy so much. What I have found is I do not enjoy the competition of the game (end game) nor do I enjoy the crafting or farming. It is the interaction with others and the teamwork that I enjoy and crave. This has lead to myself and 4 other friends to return to Final Fantasy XI, a slow paced, none flashy MMO with a simplistic but rewarding play style.

It would seem that what I have been craving this whole time can be satisfied with an old low graphics low feature game where I have to work with others to progress. New is not always better, shiny is just the surface, if the game play isn't right then its all for nothing. So I guess what I am finally understanding is no matter what if you have a hobby that is popular do not get caught up in the new and the shiny just because it's what people are doing, enjoy what you enjoy.

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