Friday, November 9, 2012

Me in a nutshell

I am a married father of 2 who is going to ITT for my associates in software development. I am an avid gamer who is striving to be better at several games and will even be streaming them after Feb 15. 

I have a son and a daughter 5 and 14 months, my son is to smart for his own good at times and my daughter is to cute for my own good. Lucas my son gets upset when he gets in trouble like all children... however the reason is completely different then most. He gets upset at me for being diligent and catching him, not that he got caught or that he was in the wrong, he gets angry that I pay attention. My daughter has the key to my heart, I would move heaven and earth for her. I am in so much trouble when she gets old enough to realize the power she has.

My wife is wonderful, she puts up with a lot from the family. Thankfully she has finally found a hobby that lets her detox from all of us. She also blogs and is the reason I have started in the first place. You can find her blog at check her out to see me and my family through the eyes of a Doctor loving witch.

I'll get into my gaming at a later occasion, just know that I game, I like it, I am good and I want to compete.

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